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Health and Fitness
Hack is a sexy word right?
This challenge and special offer has expired. Be on the lookout for upcoming deals and exclusive Jillian challenges!Babes! September is National Yoga Month and since you crushed our Take Back 2020 Challenge – I’ve got a special treat for you!
World renowned yogi, Dashama, will be our guest trainer on The Fitness App the entire month of September and she has built a 30 Day Yoga Challenge for us!
This special offer has expired. Be on the lookout for upcoming deals and exclusive Jillian challenges!
Ok lovelies! It’s time to take back 2020.
So, I am super excited to share that on August 1, 2020, we’re kicking off the #TakeBack2020 Challenge! But, you can “accept” my challenge anytime between now and August 5th!
I created a 4-week plan in my app for you that includes yoga, kickboxing, bodyweight training, HIIT workouts and more.
Bloat-Busting Tips and RecipesThe key to beating bloat is three-fold! Presuming you do not have irritable bowel disease, Crohn’s, or any medical condition linked to stomach problems, the average bear struggles with feeling bloated for three different reasons: either they’re holding excess water weight, they’re constipated, or they have gas.
To reduce excess water-weight we need to do some very basic things. First, drink more water.
Setting up a home gym is a great option for people who don’t want to spend the money on a gym membership, feel intimidated working out around a lot of people, or simply need and/or like the convenience of being able to get a great sweat session in at home.
The great news is, we can do this easily and affordably. Obviously, if price wasn’t an issue I’d recommend getting expensive cardio equipment, full dumbbell racks, some barbells etc.
Well, here is the good news… you’ve come to the right place for answers here. There is no doubt I am pretty well versed in getting people in shape with nothing but their birthday suit in the comfort of their home. So, I gotchu!
QUESTION:I recently gave birth to my first child and I'm finding it harder than expected to get back into shape. How can a new mom like me bounce back from their postpartum body?ANSWER:One of the all-time most frequent questions I get is, “How do I lose the baby weight?”
First of all, give yourself a break.
If you have a why you can tolerate the how. So the question becomes, what’s your why?
Information and tips to stay on track when you're not feeling well.
I share tips to avoid stress this holiday season.