Weight Loss
MYTH: The Last 10 Pounds Are Impossible to Lose
The last few pounds are always the hardest to lose – but that doesn't mean it's impossible to do! Use the following tips to clean up your diet and drop those final few pounds.
The Truth: The body struggles to hold on to that last bit of fat for survival purposes, so while it is tough to lose the last five to 10 pounds, it’s definitely doable.
MYTH: Weighing Yourself Daily Will Help You Stay on Track
Stepping on the scale doesn't have to be a scary event for yearly doctor's visits – and it also doesn't have to be a daily torture ritual. There is a happy medium in there – I'll help you find it.
The Truth: I recommend that people weigh themselves once a week, at the same time every week. Weighing yourself every day can have a negative impact on you.
MYTH: If You Lose Weight Too Fast You Won't Keep It Off
Some people say that "healthy" weight loss means losing one to two pounds per week. So if you're losing more - or less - than that, are you doing something wrong?
The Truth: There is no such thing as “losing weight too fast.” As long as you’re consuming a healthy amount of calories by eating nutritious foods and exercising more, you’ll lose weight at an appropriate speed for your body.
Move It to Lose It
Know someone who's getting amazing results from an insanely low-calorie diet? It may be tempting to severely restrict your calories in hopes of a drastic weight loss, but don't even think about it! Truth is, very few people can maintain one of those crazy kinds of diets for more than a couple of weeks. And to make things worse, most people on near-starvation diets gain back all the weight (and more) just a few months later.
Fire Up Your Engines
One of the keys to successful, sustainable weight loss is to keep your metabolism working at top speed, burning as many calories as possible. When you start to eat less, however, your metabolism will slow down in order to conserve energy. This is what causes the bane of every dieter's existence: the plateau. Every dieter encounters a plateau at some point in the weight-loss journey, and sometimes the best policy is just to wait it out.
Can You Drink and Lose Weight?
When you're trying to lose weight, alcohol is the number one enemy. With that being said, there are some healthier choices out there - here are a few clues to drinking while watching calories.